G-Estates Smart property investment

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Collaborate with us

Enjoy the benefits of collaboration!

  • Clear commission structure

    On our agent portal, the commission value is clearly stated for each property shared with our partner agents, making it easy for them to understand their earnings. This transparent approach ensures our agents have a clear view of how their compensation is determined, fostering trust and clarity in our partnership. With this well-defined commission plan, our agents can confidently focus on their work, knowing exactly what to expect in compensation for their efforts.

  • Dedicated agent portal

    Our agent portal serves as a centralized online platform, providing numerous benefits and utilities for our partner agents. It empowers agents with the tools and information needed to succeed in this competitive industry. Upon signing the Agent Agreement, partners receive a username and password to access their own account on the platform.

  • Personalized XML feeds

    Filter listings to match your clients’ needs and import only the properties they are looking for on your website. Customize by budget, type, commission, location, etc., and keep all data up-to-date on your website at all times. This gives our agents a competitive edge, attracting more clients and offering a higher level of service.

  • One-click exposé generator

    Provide quick responses to client inquiries with professionally designed exposés, featuring your logo and contact details. Simply select the property(s) in our agent portal, click "Generate," and send it to your client instantly. Clients often prefer agents who respond promptly—eliminate the need for emails, phone calls, confirmations, or editing; it’s all at your fingertips for all our properties.

  • Easy-access marketing material

    Access unbranded pictures, virtual tour links, exposés, layouts, related documents, and more in our agent portal to deliver the best and fastest service to your clients.

  • Properties from the Costa del Sol and the Costa Blanca

    Currently, we offer properties on the Costa Blanca and the Costa del Sol, with the Balearics as our next target, followed by the Canaries and Costa Brava. This will soon make us a one-stop shop for our partner agents interested in offering the Mediterranean lifestyle to their clients.

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